
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hunger for His Word

Bible reading
Anyone else attend OneThing 2012 in Kansas City at the International House of Prayer? I did, but not in person. I watched the live stream over the internet. Yay, for technology. The media team does a great job with live streaming! So grateful to them.

There is something unique and fulfilling about the IHOP mode of worshiping. Edifying. Even though I was watching at home, I still participated.

And the teaching sessions were great! Many of Mike Bickle’s insights stand out, but one specifically: that a true believer naturally hungers for the Word of God. And if believers lose that hunger, they’re spiritually “sick” and need to get it back.

What masks our hunger and how do we get it back?

Many things can deaden our desire for the Word of God: addictions, vices, other pursuits, lack of devotional time with God, busy-ness, etc.

So, to get refocused we must set those things aside. That’s what is so great about a conference like OneThing. We can unplug, so to speak, and meet with God in a concentrated, purposeful way.

And we can simply ask God to increase our hunger for His word.

Sometimes, just getting in a worshipful atmosphere (or setting one by worshiping ourselves) induces hunger for the Word.

As I watched the live feed, I noticed each worship leader had her/his Bible open on the keyboard (or in front of them). I love that! I worship like that.

I don’t know about you, but I’m grateful for the grace to hunger after God’s word. Aren’t you?

He’s so personal. 

Open the Word. Read it. Discover nuggets for your life, for your walk, for your future. Let Him give you understanding about the past, about the situations you face. He will speak to you personally through His Word. He longs to.

Read daily. Use a Bible reading plan, or simply start at the beginning (Genesis) and read to the end (Revelation)—a few chapters a day. Or, read wherever He directs for that day. God is not legalistic. I don’t think you have to follow a reading plan to be acceptable to Him (thank God, literally), but be in His word. Often. It’s food for your soul and renewing for your mind. It’s for your refreshment and provides fresh revelation of who God is. And the more we know Him, the stronger our love for Him grows.

And if you are missing that hunger for the Word, know that it’s not His best for you. Ask Him to return the desire for His word. He wants to.

And He will meet you there! 

Photo credit Photo by: Janaka Dharmasena

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